School News

A June Update - Education with Cooke School

- Jun 26, 2013      Archive

June has been a busy week for our school because during this month Cooke Real Estate School was approved by three different states to provide our pre-license online video streaming course. The states Cooke received approval are: South Dakota’s 116 Hour Pre-License Course, Kentucky’s 96 Hour Kentucky Pre-license Real Estate Principles Course and California’s 45 Hour Practice Course.

Also around June 18, the Governor of Florida a signed the bill to allow all qualifying real estate appraisal courses to be taught online. This includes the four Trainee Courses, the Residential Certification Courses and the Certified General Courses.

This new law is going bring about a big change in the appraisal education field in Florida. Over the last six or seven years, many schools have stopped providing appraisal courses because the low number of students coming through the system. During this time our school has continued to provide quality in-class courses for appraisers. Many of our students have had to travel and stay overnight at locations near our school. This, of course, has driven the costs up for appraisal students. But with this new online course offerings that will probably be available before the end-of-the-year, will help students financially in their quest to be an appraiser.